Mater Ecclesiae - Our Lady of the Column Restored - Gold Framed Art
MT2,276,43 - MT3,753,03Mary Mother of the Church
Mater Ecclesiae - Our Lady of the Column Restored - Ornate Dark Framed Art
MT3,014,73 - MT5,229,63Mary Mother of the Church
Mater Ecclesiae - Our Lady of the Column Restored Holy Card
MT61,53 - MT861,35Mary Mother of the Church
Mater Ecclesiae - St. Peter's Square Mosaic - Gold Framed Art
MT1,845,75 - MT7,444,54Mary Mother of the Church
Mater Ecclesiae - Original Unrestored - Ornate Dark Framed Art
MT3,014,73 - MT11,197,57Mary Mother of the Church
Mater Ecclesiae - Original Unrestored - Gold Framed Art
MT2,276,43 - MT7,444,54Mary Mother of the Church