Spanish Mary Mother of the Church Holy Card
Mary Mother of the ChurchNote: Dimensions below apply to shipping information. Extra product info can be found in the description.
Laminated pack: contains 25 cards.
Paper pack: contains 50 cards.
Share your faith with this beautiful holy card! The 2.5"x4.25" holy card features a stunning image of Mary Mother of the Church with a quote on the back.
The title Mother of the Church (Mater Ecclesiae) has been used in devotion to Mary by her Christian children since ancient times, but on March 3rd, 2018, Pope Francis decreed that a new feast day, the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, will now be celebrated every year in the Roman calendar on the Monday after Pentecost. In honor of this rare event - the first celebration of a new feast day - Nelson Fine Art & Gifts is proud to release this new composite image featuring Mary in her role as Mother of the Church.
Mary is seen here in a famous and widely-used symbolic pose, extending her mantle outward to cover and protect faithful Christians taking refuge in her motherly care. Below the clouds and under Mary's extended mantle is St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, a symbol of the entire Universal Church. While the historical Mother of Christ was likely very short in physical stature, here Mary is easily the largest figure in the painting, towering over the grown men and the Church she cares for. Depicting the Blessed Mother with significant physical size is an intentional and symbolic gesture used by many artists in their greatest Marian works, including Michelangelo's Pieta. "Our tainted nature's solitary boast," as Mary was described by the poet William Wordsworth, is shown here in the greatness of her maternal role toward Christ and all mankind.
Bajo tu manto,
oh Madre de la Iglesia,
oh Modelo de todos los cristianos,
tus hijos sobre la tierra
buscan tu intercesión
e imploran tu Misericordia.
Inspira a tus hijos, los clérigos –
todos los diáconos, sacerdotes, obispos,
cardenales, patriarcas y nuestro Santo Padre–
a obedecer a tu Hijo y difundir su evangelio
con firme convicción, lealtad a la verdad,
e indefectible amor sobre todas las cosas.
Guía a tus hijos, los fieles laicos,
cuando llevan la luz de Cristo
a los confines de la tierra: las grandes salas,
los locales pequeños, donde quiera que se viva la vida.
Oh Madre de los santos,
oh Refugio de los pecadores,
guíanos a casa finalmente, a tu
Iglesia triunfante donde tu
reinas como Reina de los ángeles
y Reina de los cielos.
IMPRIMATUR: +Excmo. y Rvdmo. Sr. D.
Jeffrey M. Monforton, Obispo de Steubenville
( HC-SP4088 )
- Source:
- This item is designed and printed at our Steubenville workshop.