Christ in the Garden by Simone Peterzano - Ornate Dark Framed Art
The Agony in the Garden
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This excellent meditative image of "Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane depicts the powerful moment where Our Lord, knowing he is soon to suffer and die, offers his life in submission to the divine will of God, saying "Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done" (Luke 22:42).
In this painting from Italian artist Simone Peterzano, a pupil of the famous painter Titian, the Passover moon rises in the background while an angel has descended from heaven and illuminates the nighttime darkness of the Garden of Gethsemane. The angel presents"Christ with the cross on which he will be crucified, together with the chalice and host of the Holy Eucharist - the body and blood of Our Lord under the appearance of bread and wine. Jesus, knowing that he must die in order to nourish untold generations of "Christians with this holy gift, opens his hands to God the Father and accepts what is presented by the angel. Jesus will shortly suffer the pains of his passion, death, and burial, but will rise from the dead on Easter Sunday, conquering sin and restoring life to all humanity.
This moving depiction will make an excellent devotional aid for any Christian who wishes to meditate on the Passion of Christ. Anyone can enter into the mystery of Jesus' suffering through the beauty and practicality of this sacred art piece.
~Sizes listed are of the image only~
( NW-4069-2 )